Slideshow: The Beauty Benefits of Sleep

Slideshow: The benefits of sleep for beauty.

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Skin that recovers faster

"Sleep to beautify" is a reality.  Your skin uses the hours you sleep to recover from damage sustained during the day.  When you fall asleep, your skin has the opportunity to improve itself. when you wake up it will look fresh and rosy.

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Fewer breakouts

The more sleep the healthier your skin will be. Lack of sleep can lead to stress, this causes pimples and blackheads to appear, even in adults.  In one study, experts found that college students had more breakouts when they were stressed, such as during exams.

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Brighter eyes

Want eyes that sparkle? Don't let dark circles take center stage. Dark circles under the eyes often run in families but they can look darker if you're not getting enough sleep.  To conceal them, apply a light layer of an eye cream as a base. Then blend it out with a concealer one or two shades lighter than your skin color.

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Even skin tone

Spending a sleepless night can make your skin look pale and blotchy. Sleep gets the blood flowing healthily in your skin.  If you wake up with uneven skin tone, apply foundation. Firm it up with a translucent powder (or a powder in a green shade to hide skin redness).

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You will look "much better"!

Sure, you may feel like you want to keep going even when you don't have much energy but your friends, family and colleagues will most likely notice.  Researchers in Sweden asked a study group to look at photos of people with no sleep vs. others who had slept eight hours. The well-rested people looked healthier, less exhausted - and more attractive.

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Eliminate swelling

You wake up with puffy eyes because fluids build up around them when you lie in bed.  Solution: Keep your head higher than your heart with a couple of pillows. Still have bags under your eyes?  Apply cold compresses to the area for a minute or two in the morning.

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Remove the salt

If you are a night owl looking for something to eat, eat a fruit. Salty foods can make your face swell in the morning. That happens because foods that contain a lot of salt can cause you to retain fluid, which leads to bloating.

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Water, your nighttime beverage

A glass of wine might seem relaxing but you will most likely see dry skin and larger, more visible pores the next day.  Cut back on alcoholic beverages in the evening and drink plenty of water instead.  In the morning use a toner containing zinc sulfate or alum that makes pores look smaller.

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A great PM routine for the skin.

To keep your face smooth and soft, start with a very mild cleanser to remove dust, dirt and makeup. Next, apply a moisturizer. To keep delicate areas hydrated all night, doctors advise using an eye cream containing glycerin and a lip balm with petroleum jelly.

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A warm bath

One of the best ways to make you sleep, it can also improve your skin.  A warm bath - with all the ingredients, such as bubbles, oils and body scrubs - before bed can raise your body temperature a bit.  You will feel sleepy when your body temperature drops, like after a bath.

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Retinoids work best at night

Retinoids - vitamin A skin products - are one of the gold standards when it comes to smoothing wrinkles.  Using retinol during the day can decrease your tolerance to sunlight and cause redness and skin tags. Use them at night.

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For fewer wrinkles sleep on your back

Does your friend have a perfect face? She probably sleeps on her back. Sleeping with her face directly on the pillow often causes lines and creases in the skin, which can stay permanently over time.  If you can't sleep on your back, try using satin sheets (or at least satin pillowcases).  That may reduce the chances of sleep-related wrinkling.

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Count your fingers (And toes, too!).

Your evening routine might focus on your face but don't forget your fingers including your toes. Dermatologists suggest applying a shea butter moisturizer or healing ointment to your hands and feet at night.  To help your feet absorb the cream, wear socks or sleep socks.

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Sources | Medically Reviewed on 10/20/2015 Reviewed by Dra. Brunilda Nazario, MD on October 20, 2015


Jamie Grill / The Image Bank2.    Robert Llewellyn / Workbook Stock3.    Drazen Vukelic / E+4.    Neustockimages / E+5. rubberball6.    Adri Berger / The Image Bank7.    Photography by Matthew Lankford / Flickr Open / Getty8.    DAJ9.    Image Source10.  Fabrice LEROUGE / ONOKY11.  AAGAMIA / Iconica12.  B2M Productions / Photographer's Choice RF13. Jan Cobb Photography Ltd / Photographer's C.


Jenece Amella, makeup artist, Denver, Colo.Axelsson, J. BMJ, December 2010, vol. 341.Chiu, A. Archives of Dermatology. 2003; vol. 139(7): pp 897-900.Patricia Farris, M.D., dermatologist, Old Metairie Dermatology in New Orleans, La.Debra Jaliman M.D., author of "Skin Rules: Trade Secrets from a Top New York Dermatologist. "Kafi, R. Archives of Dermatology, May 2007, vol. 143: pp 606-612.Ben and Howard Kaminsky, authors of Beyond Botox.National Health Service: "Look After Your Skin. "Marina Peredo, M.D., founder of Spatique Medical Spa in Smithtown, N.Y.

Reviewed by Dr. Brunilda Nazario, MD on October 20, 2015

This tool does not provide medical advice. See additional information.

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